Colors of Broadway
Learn the 4 ‘primary colors’ of voice to sing in any style without having to learn your anatomy first!
This workshop features three sections:
1) A guided tour through the primary colors through clips of live performances from Broadway and concert stages
2) Tips about how to sing each color so you can practice on your own without a teacher
3) Live coaching so you can see these colors in action!
180 minutes
Learn the 4 ‘primary colors’ of voice to sing in any style without having to learn your anatomy first!
This workshop features three sections:
1) A guided tour through the primary colors through clips of live performances from Broadway and concert stages
2) Tips about how to sing each color so you can practice on your own without a teacher
3) Live coaching so you can see these colors in action!
180 minutes
Learn the 4 ‘primary colors’ of voice to sing in any style without having to learn your anatomy first!
This workshop features three sections:
1) A guided tour through the primary colors through clips of live performances from Broadway and concert stages
2) Tips about how to sing each color so you can practice on your own without a teacher
3) Live coaching so you can see these colors in action!
180 minutes
Do you want a simple way to break down the variety of sounds we hear onstage and on the radio without using words like ‘belt’ or’ mix’ that are already preloaded with habits? This is your ‘back to school’ workshop that will feed into your fall teaching in a simple and approachable way!
Just like primary colors that mix together to create more colors, the voice can be approached in the same way. This workshop is informed by voice science, but won’t feature a mechanical approach. It will draw out the internal intelligence already there (but there will also be some simple techniques, just in case).
In this 3 hour workshop you will:
-learn FOUR primary colors of vocal sound that every voice can make easily
-tune your ears to hear each color distinctly using clips from the Broadway and concert stage
-draw parallels between qualities heard onstage and those heard on the radio
-tune your body to feel distinctly
-bring each to life in a masterclass setting
-explore ways of mixing them together to create more colors!
This simple approach can open so many doors for your teaching and for your students’ learning since it’s so simple and so utterly practicable!