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In experiential pedagogy, everybody learns.
When we ask a student to do something, we invite them to have an experience. When they reflect on that experience we can get a glimpse of how they process and the mental model that we help them build.
Teaching often feels like holding space for a lot in every moment. We nurture so much beyond the craft of singing including artistry and emotional life in performance.
HOW we do it is a large part of the discussion in Body Based Voice Ped. Because the body is non-linear and learns in non-linear ways, be explore how to point the student’s attention somewhere while we listen many other places.
Your internal intelligence.
There is some potent magic in turning the voice OFF. Suddenly the mind’s eye can see and sense so much more about what’s in the way and what’s pointing the way! The body knows SO much more than our consciousness ways of knowing, and it can teach them mind a lot!
More important than how much you moved something is the manner in which you moved it.
The quality of movement has a direct relation to the output of an action, whether physical or vocal (which is also physical). Laban gives us a wonderful vocabulary that can be shared with our students.
In this community of voice teachers you'll…
…learn fundamental differences between biomechanics (muscles & bones as levers & pulleys) and biotensegrity (how to work with the body as a unified whole)
…learn about fascia: what it is, how it responds, and how to work with it
…explore nonlinear pedagogy to create experiences where your students WILL LEARN
…create feedback loops between practice & performance to learn to teach to the endgame and all it encompasses
…be in a community with other dynamic voice teachers seeking a deeper truth
Topics include:
Physical wholism: fascia function, biotensegrity, qualitative movement, myofascial continuities, grounding
Brain-body: Motor imagery, audiation & pre-phonatory tuning, neuroplasticity
Nonlinear pedagogy: dynamical systems, complex adaptive systems, constraints lead approach